Welcome to Gary Alan's Christian Oldies!

Gary Alan’s Christian Oldies originally started in with it’s first Radio Broadcast in 2004. This has been a weekly one-hour broadcast since that time. The music library of Christian Oldies became available on the 24/7 online service of LIVE365 on October 15, 2019. Then for a while was part of the Call To Worship Ministries until Call To Worship stopped in March 2022.

This “Oldies” ministry focuses on the most popular Christian music of two decades, 1965-1985, beginning with the days of Jesus Music includes the early days of Contemporary Christian Music (CCM).

The program broadcast includes special features such as Oldies Trivia, God’s Standards For Music, and History Of Christian Oldies. The program is broadcast weekly through TheDove Media. You can listen each Saturday at 11 pm (PST) from their website: www.TheDove.us AND the songs of Christian Oldies music is available 24/7 on LIVE365 by clicking on the graphic below. And to enjoy “Oldies” on the go, download the LIVE365 app on your smartphone (iPhone, or Android).

Christian Oldies is currently broadcast in the following Areas…

  • KDOV 91.7FM Southern Oregon’s Christian Radio Station: 11PM to 12AM Saturdays

Please call your local Christian radio station and ask them to consider bringing Christian Oldies to your community.

Do you represent a Christian Radio Station and are interested in more information about Christian Oldies? To request more information, including a demo CD, simply fill out this form.

"In the mid-60s, I did all I could to get to concerts and to buy the music."

Contemporary Christian Music has been in and around my family since I was very young. I was either listening to it or singing it. God has given me incredible “on the job” training in the Christian music field. I was an announcer and music director in Christian Radio for several years. I served as a Sales & Marketing Representative for Christian Recording Companies and Sales Manager for a Distributor of Christian music. Over the years I’ve collected hundreds and hundreds of my favorite recordings on 8 tracks, reel to reel, LPs, cassettes and CDs. I know the effect that this music has had on my spiritual growth over the years. It is filled with God’s word and I believe that is its real power to change lives. My passion is to get this music into the ears and hearts of Gods people once again. Its message is not old and outdated but living and powerful and more up to date lyrically than tomorrow’s newspaper. I am dedicated to making contemporary Christian music of 1965 through 1985 available through the Christian Oldies radio program, this website and every other opportunity I have as God directs.

The Fingerprints of God

Gary has loved music all of his life. In the early 60s, he began singing Christian music in choirs and quartets. His first job in Christian radio was as announcer for KEAR in San Francisco, CA in 1974. Thats when he picked up the radio name of Gary Alan.

For almost two decades he prayed and watched for greater opportunities to use his talents (especially his voice) for the Lord. More than once he was told that he should start his own radio program. In early 2004, the Holy Spirit breathed life into an idea and the Christian Oldies radio program and ministry was born.

Gary had a home studio that he had been using for several years to provide voice recordings for various ministries and advertising agencies. He researched contemporary Christian music for 1965 to 1985 by going through his personal collection and by communicating with the folks at CCM Magazine. With the help of CCM and a growing network of other audiophiles, he carefully built a database of what were the most popular songs during that era. He sent out CDs, rough demos of the program to friends and family asking for their input. Over the next few months Christian Oldies was trademarked, he acquired the Christian Oldies domain, the first website went up on the internet 10/16/04 and the first Christian Oldies radio program was broadcast Saturday October 23rd on KDOV in Medford, OR. Many lives have been touched by the ministry of this contemporary Christian music, old school.

Do You Know Your Christian Oldies Trivia?

The Purpose of Christian Oldies Trivia is to help you think back. To remember what God was doing in your life many years ago.

Do You Know Your Christian Oldies Trivia?

Slide 1 of 20.

A pop vocal group formed in 1972 by Roger Breland served as a spring board for several popular Christian artists including Dick Tunney/Imperials, members of 4 HIM and Steve Green. Can you name the group?

Slide 2 of 20.

Bill Gaither and the Bill Gaither Trio had many award winning songs over the years. Can you name three of them?

Slide 3 of 20.

James Ward began recording in 1973 and wrote songs for artists including the Imperials, Truth and Pat Boone? He had a couple of chart toppers. What was the recording company he recorded with?

Slide 4 of 20.

The Imperials went through a few member changes over the years. One of the most memorable combinations and the group that recorded the album, "One More Song For You" in 1979 included what members?

Slide 5 of 20.

He joined The New Christy Minstrels in 1962, went solo in '65 and recorded the #1 anti-war theme Eve of Destruction. Who is the artist?

Slide 6 of 20.

What Contemporary Christian artist once worked with Joe Cocker and also won a CBS-TV talent show defeating The Carpenters?

Slide 7 of 20.

They were brothers Kraig and Greg. Popular songs by them include Wind On Summer Nights and Givin' It Up. They formed a pop band in 1975. Name the group.

Slide 8 of 20.

Her Christian Oldie hits included Stubborn Love and I Belong To You and her last name almost rhymes with a vegetable. Can you name the artist?

Slide 9 of 20.

His hits included Come and See and Still Rolls The Stone. He began recording Christian music in 1979 and toured with Amy Grant. Can you name this artist?

Slide 10 of 20.

His chart toppers in 1985 included I Want To Know You and I Will No Wise Cast You Out. He is best known as the co-lead singer for Earth, Wind & Fire. Who is he?

Slide 11 of 20.

What Ohio-born guitarist whose fluent style won the praise of no less than Jimi Hendrix released his first solo album, "What A Day" in 1973?

Slide 12 of 20.

Debbie Amstutz was a pop singer/songwriter who recorded from 1980-81. She was also a protege of Dallas Holm. The title song to her album was a duet with Dallas. Name that tune.

Slide 13 of 20.

Born in 1951, he performed at Opryland Theme Park and in Wayne Newton's Las Vegas show. He wrote songs recorded by Elvis Presley, B.J. Thomas, The Imperials and many others. Can you name this artist?

Slide 14 of 20.

She was a prolific session singer in the late 70s with Maranatha! One of her most popular songs was Blame It On The One I Love. Name the artist.

Slide 15 of 20.

They recorded two chart toppers in 1984 Surrender and Don't Run Away. They were formed in 1984 by Bob Carlisle. Name the group.

Slide 16 of 20.

This Christian music pioneer from San Jose, CA started his first band at age 15. His Christian Oldie hits included Turning Thirty and Who Will Save The Children. Who was this artist?

Slide 17 of 20.

A husband and wife rock/jazz duo. Both were members of Seawind from 1977-80. The husband formed The Front. What were there names?

Slide 18 of 20.

A session singer for jingles for Juicy Fruit Gum, Steak-n-Shake Restaurants and Chick-Fil-A Restaurants was a featured soloist with the Bill Gaither Trio in 1981-82. What is her name?

Slide 19 of 20.

What Contemporary Christian band had a lead singer/guitarist who was a descendant of Francis Scott Key and also included a singer/keyboardist a descendant of Davy Crockett?

Slide 20 of 20.

Steve Archer joined his family's group in 1965. He began a solo career in 1982. Can you name one of his most popular songs?

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Do You Know Your Christian Oldies Trivia?

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Albrecht, Roley & Moore
All Saved Freak Band
Amstutz, Debbie7/31/1969
Andrus, Blackwood & Co.
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Bailey, Philip5/8/1951http://www.philipbailey.com/
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Bennett, Bob3/22/1955http://www.bob-bennett.com
Bill Gaither Triohttps://gaither.com/
Blind Faith
Boones, The
Boone, Debby9/22/1956http://debbyboone.com/
Bramlett, Bonnie11/8/1944http://www.bonniebramlett.com/
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Card, Michael4/11/1957https://www.michaelcard.com/https://www.facebook.com/MichaelCardMusic/
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Cause, The
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Children Of The Day
Christian, Chris2/7/1955https://www.facebook.com/chrischristianadmiration
City Limits
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Clark, Terryhttps://www.facebook.com/pages/category/Musician-Band/Terry-Clark-47178551724/
Clawson, Cynthia10/11/1948https://www.cynthiaclawson.com/https://www.facebook.com/cynthiaclawson/
Copeland, Kenneth12/6/1936
Cockburn, Bruce5/27/1945http://brucecockburn.com/https://www.facebook.com/officialbrucecockburn
Correll, Denny2/19/1946
Country Faith
Crouch, Andrae7/1/1942http://andraecrouch.com/
Cruse Family
Cruse, Cindy5/18/1963http://www.cindyratcliff.com/
Cryar, Morgan2/24/1958
Cua, Rick12/3/1948
Culverwell, Andrewhttps://www.facebook.com/Andrew-Culverwell-123874350963030/
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Davis, Paul4/21/1948
Degarmo & Keyhttps://degarmoandkey.webs.com/bio.htmhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/DeGarmoandKey/
Degarmo, Eddie10/3/1953https://www.facebook.com/eddie.degarmo
DeSario, Teri11/27/1951http://www.teridesario.com/
DiMucci, Dion7/18/1939http://diondimucci.com/wp1/
Dixon, Jessy3/12/1938
Doobie Brothers
Driscoll, Phil11/9/1947https://www.phildriscoll.com/
Duke, Roby12/6/1956http://www.robyduke.com
Duncan, Bryan3/16/1953http://www.bryand.com/
Dunham, Gary3/25/1951https://www.facebook.com/public/Gary-Dunham
Dylan, Bob5/24/1941http://www.bobdylan.com
Edwin Hawkins Singers, The
England Dan & John Ford Coley
English, Joe2/7/1949
English, Michael4/12/1962http://www.michaelenglishmusic.com
Eareckson-Tada, Joni10/15/1949https://www.joniandfriends.org/
Farrell & Farrellhttp://farrellandfarrell.nethttps://www.facebook.com/farrellandfarrell/
Fischer, John5/17/1947https://catchjohnfischer.com/
Francisco, Don2/28/1946http://www.rockymountainministries.org
Frazier, Robhttp://www.robfrazier.net
Fuhrman, Micki
Furay, Richie5/9/1944http://www.richiefuray.com
Gaither Vocal Bandhttp://www.gaither.com
Garrett, Glenhttp://www.glenngarrett.com/
Gentle Faith
Gibson, Jon1/3/1962
Girard, Chuck8/27/1943http://www.chuckgirard.com/
Good News Circle
Grant, Amy11/25/1960https://www.amygrant.com/
Green, Alhttps://www.facebook.com/algreen
Green, Keith10/21/1953http://www.lastdaysministries.org
Green, Steve8/1/1956https://stevegreenministries.org/
Grein, Janny11/6/1946https://www.facebook.com/JannyGreinFanPage/
Hall, Danniebelle10/6/1938https://www.danniebelle.com/
Hallelujah Joy Bandhttps://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Hallelujah-Joy-Band/137728336304986
Harris, Larnelle7/6/1947http://www.larnelle.com/
Heard, Mark12/16/1951
Herring, Annie9/22/1947
Hester, Benny5/3/1948http://bennyhester.com/
Holm, Dallas11/5/1948https://dallasholm.com/
Honeytree, Nancy2/10/1953https://honeytree.org/
Hope Of Glory
Imperials, Thehttps://www.theclassicimperials.com/
Johnson, Kathie Lee8/16/1953http://www.kathieleegifford.com/
Johnson, Mike
Keaggy, Phil3/23/1951http://www.philkeaggy.com/
Kerner Rettino, Debby
Key, Dana12/30/1953
LeBlanc, Lenny6/17/1951http://lennyleblanc.com/
Lewis, Angiehttp://www.angielewismusic.com/
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Love Songhttp://www.lovesong.band/
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Marks, Kenny11/6/1950http://www.kennymarks.com/
Matthews, Randy5/7/1950https://www.facebook.com/randymatthewsmusic/
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McGuire, Barry10/15/1937http://www.barrymcguire.com/
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Meece, David5/26/1952http://www.davidmeece.com/
Mehler, John8/27/1948http://www.johnmehler.com/AprilWebsite/Home.html
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Moore, Geoff2/22/1961https://geoffmoore.com/
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Murray, Jimhttps://www.facebook.com/jim.murray.75248795
Mustard Seed Faithhttps://www.facebook.com/pages/category/Musician-Band/Mustard-Seed-Faith-101758382502/
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Norman, Larry4/8/1947http://www.larrynorman.com/
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Owens-Collins, Jamiehttps://www.facebook.com/Page-for-Jamie-Owens-Collins-181585141933438/
Paris, Twila12/28/1958https://www.facebook.com/twilaparis/
Pat Terry Grouphttp://www.patterryonline.com/
Patillo, Leon1/1/1947http://leonpatillo.org/
Patty, Sandi7/14/1957https://www.sandipatty.com/
Peek, Dan11/1/1950
Phillips, Leslie1/28/1962
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Stonehill, Randyhttps://randystonehill.com/https://www.facebook.com/RandyStonehill
Stookey, Noel Paul12/30/1937http://www.noelpaulstookey.com/
Sweet Comfort Bandhttp://officialsweetcomfortband.com/
Taff, Russ11/11/1953https://russtaff.com/
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Taylor, Steve12/9/1957https://www.facebook.com/pg/SteveTaylorPresents/about/?ref=page_internal
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Thomas, B.J.8/7/1942https://www.bjthomas.com/
Tornquist Karlsson, Eviehttp://eviemusic.org/wordpress/
Troccoli, Kathy7/24/1958https://kathytroccoli.com/
Wall Brothers, The
Walsh, Sheilahttps://sheilawalsh.com/https://www.facebook.com/sheilawalshconnects/
Ward, Jameshttp://www.jameswardmusic.com/
Ward, Matthew2/15/1958https://www.matthewward.com/
Watson, Wayne10/5/1954https://waynewatson.com/
Wendy & Maryhttps://www.facebook.com/WendyAndMary/
West Angeles Church Of God In Christ Sanctuary Choir
Whittemore, Dan
Willard, Kellyhttps://kellywillard.com/
Wilson, Bob & Paulinehttps://real80sccm.com/2019/08/28/bob-pauline-wilson-somebody-loves-you-1981/
Winans, CeCe10/8/1964http://www.cecewinans.com/

Statement of Faith

We believe in one God, eternally existing in three persons: Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. (Matthew 28:19; II Corinthians 13:14)

We believe that the Bible in its entirety (composed of 66 books) is the Holy, infallible Word of God; that it is and ever shall be the complete and final revelation of the will of God to man, and the final authority in all spiritual matters. (II Timothy 3:16)

We believe that Jesus Christ is God, the Son. We believe that He was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary, lived a sinless life, and by His voluntary sacrificial death on Calvary and by His bodily and visible resurrection from the dead, paid the penalty of sin and purchased eternal life for all. (Micah 5:2; Matthew 1:20, 21, 25; John 19:17-19; 20:16, 17)

We believe that God created the universe and that it was perfect; that man was created in the image of God, but fell into sin; that all men are sinners by nature and under God’s condemnation. (Genesis 1:1, 2, 27; Romans 5:18)

We believe that salvation is the gift of God, by grace through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, whose blood was shed for the forgiveness of our sins; that this salvation is the possession of those who by faith accept Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. We believe that there is no other way of salvation. (John 3:16; 16:7-11; Romans 10:13; Ephesians 2:5, 8)

We believe that the Holy Spirit, who is a Person of the Trinity, convicts the world of sin, of righteousness, and of judgment, and that it is by His power that the born-again Christian is enabled to live the Christian life. (Matthew 28:18, 19; Romans 8:1, 14)

We believe that the Scriptural local church is made up of born-again believers, joined together for the purpose of spiritual fellowship, Christian growth and the propagation of the Gospel.

We believe that Jesus Christ ascended to the right hand of the Father, where He is interceding for each believer; that He will bodily and visibly return again.

We believe that God has appointed a day in which He will judge the world in righteousness by Jesus; that those who trust in the Lord Jesus Christ shall dwell eternally with Him, and that those who refuse His offer of salvation shall eternally be cast into the Lake of Fire. (John 14:1-3; Romans 6:23; Revelation 21:8)

We believe that marriage was instituted by God as a picture of His love for His church with the intent that it would be a life-long heterosexual union between one woman and one man, to the exclusion of any other person, without separation or divorce; resulting in mutual spiritual, emotional and physical intimacy. (I Corinthians 7:3-5; 7:10-11; Genesis 2:24)

We believe that God created human life to begin at conception and end at death; and that each human being, no matter their age, appearance, physical or mental challenges, race, born or unborn, to be of priceless value and of great worth. (John 3:16; Psalm 139:13–14)

Contact us


Gary Alan: Host and producer of Christian Oldies
Want to leave a comment or message for Christian Oldies? Gary would love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get in contact.

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Copyright 2025, Christian Oldies. All Rights Reserved. Proudly Designed by Retlaw Marketing

Get 3 cds with donation!

To former Call To Worship listeners;

We have a very special limited-time opportunity for you, as a previous Call To Worship listener! The music you heard in our programs over the years was from our collection of about five hundred CDs. The Board and I have agreed to make these CDs from our Music Library available to you…

…while they last.

We want to provide you with the music used in the Call To Worship programs. When you make your tax-deductible donation of $25 or more, we will send you 3 CDs from this collection. Although we will be randomly selecting these, you are welcome to mention some of your favorite artists. If available, we may include those. And be sure to let us know if you want one of your CDs to be from the Call To Worship instrumental music.

Now – In order for us to send these music CDs to you, make your check or money order payable to “Christian Oldies” and mail your tax-deductible gift to the following address:

*CTW CD giveaway
P.O. Box 8753
Medford, OR 97503
*Funds raised will go to support the ongoing ministry of Christian Oldies.

Thank you again for your support of Call To Worship and Christian Oldies over the years. God used it mightily, sharing the gospel and edifying believers. And now, with your help and support, Christian Oldies continues its important ministry.

Gary Roby

President and Host formerly of Call To Worship and now of Christian Oldies
Glorify the Lord with me…Let us exalt His name together! Psalm 34:3